The Adidas Gamecourt 2 black white Hq8478 shoes feature comfort, stability and good durability. In addition to being on sale, this pair of shoes contains some technologies designed for the most demanding padel athletes. Another feature to highlight is that they have a lacing system that improves foot support so you can train comfortably and move freely.
The part that corresponds to the heel is very cushioned in order to minimize the impact of your feet with the ground. This helps you not to lose the strength of the previous step and protects your joints from easy injury. The lightweight perforated mesh inside makes for proper airflow, a great advantage so you won't feel too hot or humid.
these shoes are a bargain! The outsole is herringbone, which will help give you a firm and secure grip on the court. The cushioning is also remarkable, especially when there are movements that end in a strong impact with the ground. Adiwear technology and EVA midsole rubber protect the integrity of this bargain of a shoe. They are resistant to abrasion and wear.
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Adidas Gamecourt 2 Black White Hq8478
<p></p><p>The <strong>shoes Adidas Gamecourt 2 black white Hq8478</strong> have been designed to bring you comfort and sports performance. Therefore, they are made with materials that are very resistant and lightweight.</p>
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